Happy July 4th. Today we celebrate the 240th anniversary of the signing of the US Declaration of Independence, but perhaps it is time a similar declaration is issued for the virtual frontier of online space. The Internet is the largest ungoverned space in the world. It is also the fastest growing space with more than 3 billion people already connecting across borders into a new digital society. The Internet enables us to exercise our most fundamental human rights; it can be a space for freedom, empowerment, innovation, and progress, but only if we take steps to ensure it remains free and open to all. It is time for a new social contract to guarantee the Internet continues on track to become more accessible, inclusive, secure and trustworthy. #oneinternet

Click here to read the Global Commission on Internet Governance’s new “One Internet” report.

Click here to read John Perry Barlow’s classic “A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace” from 1996.

Click here for 16 more statements of Internet rights and principles.